Sunday, March 27, 2011

storms are meant for dancing...

I have a heavy sad heart tonight as I worry about a friend of mine. She has a dark cloud over her, not unlike the one in my picture above from a major storm we had last year. She is very smart and knows what she should do (I hope), so I don't feel the need to give her my two cents. Having had my own very dark cloud not so long ago, I know how horrible it feels and how confused, upset, and angry one can get. 

Dark clouds often bring rain and storms with them.

This is a picture of the same storm cloud from a different direction. I want to point out the green field in this picture though. We may feel like we are drowning from all the rain and storms that we get from our dark clouds. This also makes me think of The Never Ending Story where Artax dies in the swamp of sadness. We can't let the sadness take over us and allow us to give up and quit. We need to remember that the rain is good for us. We need to dance and sing in the rain and mud.

I can remember my own rain storm when I started to let myself drown. It didn't take long for me to be in the mud up to my neck. I hit my own rock bottom and that is what it took for me to realize that as long as I let my storm get me down I would only continue down and never find my way back up. Since I love to sing and dance I started and then it didn't take long till I could see my feet again.

What can we find after a storm? A rainbow! Don't we all love to see the beauty of a rainbow after a storm. I have to say that I didn't take this picture, I would love to be able to claim it as my own, that place is beautiful.

I feel that my dark cloud is gone and I am in this picture now. I don't have my dream guy, the most well behaved children, or the perfect body (to me). With everything that I have been through though, I have made it here despite not having the things I just listed. Something has changed in me. When I told my friend about one of the changes I noticed that came for me, she wanted it. I wish that I could give it to her to help her with her storm. As hard as it is for me to see my friend struggle and wanting so badly to help, we all have to weather our own storms. Hoping she will find the path that will get her to the rainbow she wants so badly...

1 comment:

  1. You are a wonderful friend, just be there and help your friend out of the mud when she is ready :)
