Tuesday, June 29, 2010

what's love got to do with it...

Love is every where around me, and not having someone to love or to love me back I have begun to notice everything. I heard someone once say "everything is more beautiful when you are in love", I am going to have to disagree with that. I see so much beauty all around. Most of it is nature, but I do see beauty in some of the things of the world.

So back to love...I have stated in the past that I have many faults and I take responsibility for them (that is if I am told about them). Everything about me makes me who I am and I am glad that I don't have people in my life anymore that are fake and just say that they love me (years of being fake). If someone loves me they need to love everything about me, the good and the bad. I find that when I love someone, I love them with all of my heart and will do anything for them. I believe that true love will outlast any trial or conflict that may temporarily block it's path.

I am taking the time I have been given on my own to really find out who I am and what I am about. What I really want in life and the things that I need to change to better myself. I am finally able to embrace the time I have on my own. A year ago I was so down and just wanted someone to love me. I need to learn to love myself before I can really truly love someone else and have that true love that will outlast anything.

So I have learned that love has everything to do with it...


  1. You are becoming philosophical, that is a part of being really sumpt. Are you going to start hugging trees? Just wondering ;)
