Sunday, July 11, 2010

i am just a girl...

I was thinking quite a bit about my life today while I was writing in my personal journal. I had some thoughts and so I wrote them down. I will share them with you, but I don't think that anything I write is poetic in any way, shape or form. These are just thoughts that I have and I write them down, but first here are some lyrics to a song:  
I'm just a girl. my apologies
What I've become is burdensome
I'm just a girl. lucky me
Twiddle-dum there's no comparison

I am just a girl
who wants to love
and feel love in return
I have joy in my life
and they call me "mom"
every choice I make
has to be good for them
I have them forever

I am just a girl
who wants to love
and feel love in return
I know I am not perfect
I have my flaws and
my past is spotted
He forgave me
why can't you

I am just a girl...

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